Incident: Christians expelled from their community

General Information
Title: Christians expelled from their community
Country: Mexico
State/Province: Hidalgo
City: Hidalgo
Other Address:
Date of Incident: 2019-05-22
Security Level: Public
Neighbors and authorities of the community of Tamalcuatitla, belonging to this municipality, expelled from their town a family of evangelicals for refusing for several months to cooperate and perform tasks for the good of this population center located in the Huasteca region.
Nature of Incidents
Killings: 0
(Attempts) to destroy, vandalize or desecrate places of worship or religious buildings: 0
Closed places of worship or religious buildings: 0
Arrests/detentions: 0
Sentences: 0
Abductions: 0
Sexual assaults/harassment: 0
Forced marriages: 0
Other forms of attack (physical or mental abuse) 0
Attacked houses/property of faith adherents: 0
Attacked shops, businesses or institutions of faith adherents: 0
Forced to leave home: 4
Forced to leave country: 0
Non-physical violence : 0
Responsible Actor Category
Responsible Actor Name: Citizens and indigenous leaders
Responsible actor category: Ideological pressure groups
Responsible Actor Religion
Responsible Actor Religion:
Subcategory Responsible Actor Religion:
Religion of Victim(s)
Religion of victim(s): Christian
Subcategory Religion of victim(s): Christian, General
Additional Information
Created By:
Web Sources
Name: Neighbors expel evangelical family