Incident: Christians kidnapped

General Information
Title: Christians kidnapped
Country: Colombia
State/Province: Valle del Cauca
City: *Other Address
Other Address: Buenaventura
Date of Incident: 2019-07-01
Security Level: Public
A group of 6 Christian believers who went to Buenaventura to participate in a Christian workshop were kidnapped by an illegal armed group. Brother Alexander Gamboa suffered a physical attack. In that area, Christians are seen as informants of state forces because they do not cultivate illicit crops, and do not support illegal armed groups. In this case, in that region, the armed groups know who are mobilized by the rivers in the boats, and in this case, they knew that those who were in that boat
Nature of Incidents
Killings: 0
(Attempts) to destroy, vandalize or desecrate places of worship or religious buildings: 0
Closed places of worship or religious buildings: 0
Arrests/detentions: 0
Sentences: 0
Abductions: 6
Sexual assaults/harassment: 0
Forced marriages: 0
Other forms of attack (physical or mental abuse) 1
Attacked houses/property of faith adherents: 0
Attacked shops, businesses or institutions of faith adherents: 0
Forced to leave home: 0
Forced to leave country: 0
Non-physical violence : 0
Responsible Actor Category
Responsible Actor Name: Armed Groups
Responsible actor category: Revolutionaries or paramilitary groups
Responsible Actor Religion
Responsible Actor Religion:
Subcategory Responsible Actor Religion:
Religion of Victim(s)
Religion of victim(s): Christian
Subcategory Religion of victim(s): Christian, General
Additional Information
Created By:
Source: OD Field Research Exact date unconfirmed
Web Sources
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